April Update – Blue Panther

Subscribe at bobbymehdwan.com to get these updates in your inbox. We just had a couple of sunny days and the lawnmowers are buzzing again so spring must have sprung. 🌿  Blue Panther The new book’s being readied for a summer release after an intense February of writing and final editing in March. It’s a terrific prequel to Liberty One, which I first drafted at the same time. Stay tuned here for the best launch offers, but here’s a tantalising reveal: In the meantime, please reply if you’d like to proof read the new book and pen an Amazon review. It’s shorter than Liberty One but…

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Review of Checkmate in Berlin by Giles Milton

Checkmate in Berlin is a narrative non-fiction book detailing the fate of Berlin following the Allied and Soviet conquest of Nazi Germany in 1945. It begins with the city’s apocalyptic fall and ends with the lifting of the Soviet blockade which surrounded its western sectors in 1949. An epilogue notes the formation of NATO and the UN. Though he died just days before the conquest, America’s Roosevelt supplied much of the materiel (weapons and supplies) for Russia’s campaign against Hitler as well as most of the European and all of the Pacific firepower. It was his dream to set up the UN to…

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September Update – New Liberty One Cover

Subscribe at bobbymehdwan.com to get these updates in your inbox. I hope you enjoyed a long hot summer. Despite a sweltering period in Britain, it’s been a busy few months since I last wrote. A lot’s been happening. Liberty One Love or Liberty was re-named Liberty One and updated with a second edition. The ebook’s on Amazon and coming soon to other stores, with the print editions to follow. Let me know what you think of the new cover:  Blue Panther Another book’s in the works! I decided to turn unpublished Liberty One extracts into a prequel. You can write a book anywhere, anytime and I…

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