September Update – New Liberty One Cover

Subscribe at to get these updates in your inbox. I hope you enjoyed a long hot summer. Despite a sweltering period in Britain, it’s been a busy few months since I last wrote. A lot’s been happening. Liberty One Love or Liberty was re-named Liberty One and updated with a second edition. The ebook’s on Amazon and coming soon to other stores, with the print editions to follow. Let me know what you think of the new cover:  Blue Panther Another book’s in the works! I decided to turn unpublished Liberty One extracts into a prequel. You can write a book anywhere, anytime and I…

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How do you deal with writer’s block?

Thankfully, I've never really experienced writers block and I think there are a few things I do which dodge it. Most important, I keep the bar very low when I have a blank page to fill. I also focus on structure and goals, and imagine what I want to see as a reader (not the author). The writing seems to flow from there. Sometimes I just back off and handwrite ideas so they form sufficiently well first. I call all of this discovery, but others might experience it as writer's block. Once I have a first draft, the…

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