Review of Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut

Slaughterhouse-Five was a recommended read when I began researching time travel stories earlier this year. It’s an odd combo which mixes sombre WW2 historical fiction—centred on the horrific British (and American) bombings of Dresden in 1945—and fantasy, involving flying saucers and aliens. Weird, hey?  There isn't a time machine in sight, though lots of flashbacks and flash-forwards. I think Vonnegut nailed the perfect name for an alien race. The Tralfamadorians have a comedic ring, but represent a real concept in cosmology. I think Einstein came up with the Block Universe (also known as Eternalism), in which, the cosmos is simply a movie reel, playing a scripted past, present, and future.…

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September Update – New Liberty One Cover

Subscribe at to get these updates in your inbox. I hope you enjoyed a long hot summer. Despite a sweltering period in Britain, it’s been a busy few months since I last wrote. A lot’s been happening. Liberty One Love or Liberty was re-named Liberty One and updated with a second edition. The ebook’s on Amazon and coming soon to other stores, with the print editions to follow. Let me know what you think of the new cover:  Blue Panther Another book’s in the works! I decided to turn unpublished Liberty One extracts into a prequel. You can write a book anywhere, anytime and I…

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